Sum Overlapping Time/Remove Timeframe Gaps
Hi all, is there a way to do this formula queries? I have a table of people who have child residence & employment records, with start & end dates for each, as well as a numeric field that summarizes each timeframe in months. I need to query for all child residence & employment records related to each person, find any potential overlapping timeframes between the 2 tables based on start & end dates, and sum the total # of months from the Duration (months) field from applicable records.
Essentially I need a final number in months of time each person provided to us across 2 tables, so any overlapping time would basically get deduped out. I also need it to be smart enough to recognize some of these timeframes are not contiguous and contain gaps, so we might not have any date for particular person from 2010-2015, but we do from 2005-10 and 15-18, so any gaps would need to be excluded from the final count.