Forum Discussion

JamesBurnett's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Summary Field values not importing via automation activated table to table import

I have a Table set up for calculating employee's daily labor hours - This Table has several Summary Fields that look up the duration of labor hours in various categories for the day.

I have a Table-To-Table Import setup that copies the values from these Summary Fields to another Table when the user checks a box to submit their labor hours for the day. This Table-To-Table Import works perfectly fine when I manually go in and click the "Import" button in the Import From Table interface within QB.

The problem is, that when I assign that Table-To-Table Import to an Automation and trigger it, the import creates the records, but will not copy the values from the Summary Fields.

I have tried creating a Formula Fields in the first table that copy the values from the Summary Fields, and then using those formula fields in the Table-To-Table Import, that doesn't work either.

Am I missing something?

3 Replies

  • Are the hours being copied "for the current user"
    If so, 'the current user" is the owner of the Automation. 

    I'm doubting that the Automation Owner did any trades work today. Like didn't do any hammering or electrical work :)

  • Hey Mark,

    Not exactly sure what you mean. I don't have any "Current User" formulas or triggers anywhere for this - not in the Automation, the Import, or the Summary Fields. And I'm testing it, so in this case the current user, me, is also the owner of the Automation.

    If I manually trigger a Table-To-Table Import on the first table to copy the values from the Summary Fields to Static Numeric Fields in the same table, and THEN trigger the Automation to import those Numeric Fields' values to the second table, it works that it appears to be an issue with copying the values from the summary fields specifically with the Automation
  • Hmmmm. I�m not sure what to suggest.

    The symptoms are like a permission problem but you were saying that you are the automation owner so it would be using your permissions.