Forum Discussion

EHEH's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

Summary report for text fields

I have a form with 18 multiple choices fields, the choices are: Yes, No, N/A. I want a report to tell me which one of these fields are answered No the most across the while year. I tried with summary report but it seems it can only summarize numbers as I couldn't find these 18 fields to choose them from the Summarize Data section.  

1 Reply

  • I will assume that your survey has a date field.

    I suggest that you make a table called ears and populate it with a few years like 2019 and 2020.

    Set the key field of the years table to be the year.

    On your service table make her feel called year where the formula is

    Year([Survey Date])

    Then make a relationship where one year has many surveys based on that reference field on the right hand side.

    Then you will end up needing to make 18 different some reef fields on that relationship.

    The first one will be where your accounting the number of surveys where the answer to question one was a NO.

    Then once you get that field working properly you will end up copying that field 17 more times except changing the filter where question to her question three is equal to NO.