Forum Discussion

RebeccaKnecht__'s avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

SUmmary Report Formula

I have a field labeled METs. Every record has a different number in there as it goes to the 100th decimal (i.e. 10.25) I want a report that groups them into <8.00 , 8.00-10.00, 10.00-12.00 , and >12.00. What fromula do I need to group the records into these four ranges?

Rebecca Knecht, MS, ACSM-CEP
  • You would make a new field called say MET Group.


    [MET] < 8, "  <8",

    [MET] <= 10, " 8-10",

    [MET] <=12, "10-12",

    [MET] > 12, "12+")

    they will sort alpha so you will need to cheat and add extra spaces in the result to get the sequence correct  

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)