The challenge here is that with any Quickbase report, a record can only appear once. But you need the record to appear up to 6 times. I think that you will need to have an Automated process to create up to 6 child records. Then the reporting would be easy, as each child would have two fields, the name of the date like Comms Sent and the Date.
There are a whole bunch of ways to do this automation and you can use Automations or go bold and plunge right into Pipelines.
A pipeline solution might be to trigger when a record is added or edited. You could have the first step be to delete all the 6 children to start fresh and to also handle if a user deletes a date. Then the pipeline could create a Bulk Upsert and add up to 6 children rows into it and then commit the upsert.
If you build the Pipeline and get it tested and working for 1 record , you can then have say a date / time field to also trigger the pipeline and do a giant grid edit and cause the pipeline to run for all your existing records.
Mark Shnier (YQC)