Forum Discussion

KellyLyons1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Summary Reports - help with grouping

I have a summary report that groups my Rolling AR using the field [A/R Age Group] using this formula:

If([Days in AR (Age)] < 31, "0-30 days",
If([Days in AR (Age)] > 30 and [Days in AR (Age)] < 61, "31-60 days",
If([Days in AR (Age)] > 60 and [Days in AR (Age)] < 91, "61-90 days",
If([Days in AR (Age)] > 90 and [Days in AR (Age)] < 181, "91-180 days",
If([Days in AR (Age)] > 180,  "180+ days")))))

The issue I am having is the way it displays here:

Obviously I do not want the 180+ days where it is, I want it at the at the end of the groups.  Any ideas how I can achieve this?  Maybe a Rich text field or something?
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Kelly Lyons
  • This is a common problem with an easy workaround. They sort alphabetically. So just put a leading space in front of the ones that you want to be first and then the 180 day column will end up being last. 

    If([Days in AR (Age)] < 31, " 0-30 days",

    note the space in front of the zero.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • KellyLyons1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thanks Mark!

      Kelly Lyons