Forum Discussion

AndrewOrner's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Sync QB 'contacts' table with Constant Contact/email tool contacts list?

We are a saas company, and in QB we have a 'contacts' table inclusive of all of our end users (basic contact info, in addition to subscription info). 

I'm looking for a tool that will allow us to trigger email campaigns to subsets of 'contacts'. The email tool's contact list and QB's 'contact' table should be synced (real time would be nice, but I'd be fined pushing a refresh from QB to email tool once per day). 

Does anyone have any success with this business case? Our marketing team uses Constant Contact. I like the design capabilities, but I can't find a way to integrate with QB. For example, there is a Zapier connector for adding/updating one contact at a time, but not in bulk.

I'm a 'low code' user, so API/webhooks are a bit daunting but willing to give it a shot if anyone can give me a super basic overview. 


4 Replies

  • If you figure out the part about getting our contacts into Quick Base, you can contact me off line at and I can work with your for a small consulting contract to get a script working to fire off emails to non users.
  • Hi Mark- Thanks for the speedy reply! I have all of the contact in QB. I'd prefer to use a service that will allow me to design and tweak the emails (which I assume would not be possible with a script build using solely QB). Any thoughts? 
  • The script will simply walk down a specified report(s) and jiggle the record so as to fire off an Open email Notification.  The report(s) can be any report you like with any filters.

    Then filters can be set Globally if this would just be used by one user, or else basically for the same effort (say 10% extra effort) the filters can be set per user to allow concurrent configuring of the filters for the contacts.

    So you would construct a Filter record where the use would choose like customer type / sales regions, last purchase date range - whatever makes sense and then the report would lookup those filters and then respect them in tits results.

    There is also a cute Kirk Trachy trick to be able to copy and paste a Word Document into a Rich Text page (and there after live in that Rich Text Page for future edits) to generate the html code for a beautifully formatted email.  So like HTML generation for dummies. It can also support company logos images in the email.

  • If you still have a need, SmartEmailReminder for Quick Base might work for you.  Have a look here:  Contact me directly for more info.  Thanks.

    Joe Acunzo
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    203-481-1222 ext. 316