Forum Discussion
Thank you for responding and my apologies for being unclear.
What I'm trying to accomplish is that each time I create a new record in the Employees Table and select the Asus USB Monitor checkbox and save, I want it to add a value of 1 to x for the Asus USB Monitor record in the Inventory Table.
If I create three records in the Employees Table and select the Asus USB Monitor checkbox and save, I want there to be a value of 3 in the x field associated with the Asus USB Monitor record in the Inventory Table.
If I uncheck the Asus USB Monitor checkbox in the Employees Table for one of the records I've previously saved, I want the Inventory Table to update so that the value is now 2 in the x field associated with the Asus USB Monitor record in the Inventory Table.
Thank you,
OK. One Equipment has Many Employees.
I think all you need to do is to create a summary field on that Relationship to count the # of Employees with a filter to only include where Asus USB Monitor checkbox is checked.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- StuLamden12 years agoQrew Member
Thank you for your response. I tried your suggestion, but I'm still running into an issue. The attached pdf provides a bit more detail if you don't mind taking a look.
Stu Lamden
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
Thx for the PDF.
Can you try just totalling that ASUS USB Monitor qty field without the extra filter on that checkbox and let me know what happens?
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- StuLamden12 years agoQrew Member
Good morning.
If I'm following you correctly, in the Employees Records Table, in the Dynamic Rules I disabled the following:
When Asus USB Monitor is equal to checked, change Asus USB Monitor Qty to 1.
When Asus USB Monitor is equal to unchecked, change Asus USB Monitor Qty to 0.
In the Table-to-table-relationship for All Other Inventory < Employee Records for the field # of Inventory Items in Use Pulls from here I have the following in the Summary field options section:
Field to summarize: Asus USB Monitor Qty
Only summarize records where the following is true (any)
Status is equal to the value Active
Status is equal to the value Inactive
Function: Total
Drilldown behavior: Default report for Employee Records
I then went into Employee Records form, created a new record and set Asus USB Monitor Qty to 1 and saved the form.
The All Other Inventory Table is still not updating.
Just so you know, I have gotten this to work when the field type on the Employee Records is a Text - Multiple Choice, using a Dynamic Rule with a Qty value. Although it's a different scenario, I can provide screenshots if you think it would help.
Stu Lamden