Forum Discussion

NickBellows's avatar
Qrew Member
11 months ago

Table to Table Relationships Criteria

I have two Tables.  Table 1 is a list of locations.  Table 2 is a list of tasks.  Some tasks apply to a specific location and some tasks apply to all locations.  I have a table to table relationship set up (1 Location can have many tasks) and can view the Location Specific tasks under the location record in Table 1.  I am not sure how to get the tasks that apply to ALL Locations to show up under each Location record in table 1.

Nick Bellows

4 Replies

  • In the event that it applies to 'all' locations - is that meant that it is one task that only gets worked once and the outcome of that task applies to all locations - or does it mean that each location essentially needs to work that one task individually? In other words - lets say you have 100 locations - if a task applies to 'all' - does that mean just 1 task or is it actually 100 tasks. 

    In both cases you're going to essentially have to 'copy' the task in some way for each location no matter what you do. If each location needs it's own unique task - best method is to just have the 'all' task copy itself for each location and related it individually to each. If its only one task and it only 'applies' to each location - then you'll need some kind of intermediary table that joins the task and location in some kind of 'Location Task' setup - whereby you would create the 'task' once - and then create a 'Location Task' for each location (so 100 in total) to join each location to that task. 

    The only other option might be IF you just need to see the 'all' tasks. You could just setup a report link on Locations that shows you all tasks that are marked as 'All Locations' and not do any direct relationship between them. This method is just displaying those records so the user thinks they have some kind of relationship but in practice its just a window into the 'all' list. Your tasks that are directly related to a location would show up in one report on the form - while these ones would be a different report on the form. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • NickBellows's avatar
      Qrew Member

      I think Report Link is the solution i was looking for.  Having the tasks copied would be a dissatisfier for my staff.  But I do want a way to see that information at the location level.  I will build that out and go from there.  Thanks for the recommendation. 

      Nick Bellows
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Just keep in mind with the report link solution that the location will not have a 'direct' relationship to the task, so you'll end up with 2 different report links if you're looking at a location. One would be the link to tasks directly related to that location which would appear as one element on a form - the 'all' would be a different report link which would show separate - so just keep that in mind as you set up the form and provide instructions or guidance to users. 

        Chayce Duncan
  • Nick,

    Expanding on what Chayce said, the business case needs to drive this.

    The task for all locations is a Fire Extinguisher Inspection.    Then this should be 100 separate tasks.  The complete date for each of these just has to be different.  

    The task is to confirm the telephone number of the Facility Managers.   It is a painful day, but someone can sit at their desk and make a hundred calls to finish this.  One task works.

    Don Larson