Forum Discussion

AshishAgarwal's avatar
Qrew Member
6 years ago

Thumbnails of externally hosted images

How can i show thumbnails of externally hosted images (such as on aws s3) in my report in quickbase?

I don't want to be uploading image files in quickbase, because it does not let me make a copy of my application once the total size of the attached files exceed 75MB.

If you know and can share a simple formula to display the thumbnail of an externally hosted image in my table, I would appreciate. If you don't, that's fine too. But, please don't try to sell your monthly fee add-ons. I am not interested in talking to salesmen here.

Ashish Agarwal
    • DonLarson's avatar
      Qrew Elite

      Juiced is great.  Mark is right that they are good solution.

      Highly recommended.

      Don Larson
      Westlake OH
  • Hi Ashish,
    We provide an add-on that can easily upload files (to S3) and relate them to your Quick Base app record(s). You can then show thumbnails, etc. If you would like to speak further please let me know. This will also help with the 75mb issue as well...

    Todd Jusas
  • Hi Ashis,
    If you have the name of each image file that is on AWS in a field in QuickBase table, for example [qbimage], then you can create a formula field in quickbase as such:
    If(Length([qbimage])>0,"<img style='max-height:100%; max-width:100%;width:100px' src='[URL to AWS]" & ([qbimage]) & "'/>","")

    If you don't have the name of each image in you quickbase database you might have to resort to a way to add the image names into your table. Make sure the image file names have a pattern or have a name like dbid_rid pattern where [dbid] is the table id and rid is the record that the image belongs to.

    Souheil Karam
    • AshishAgarwal's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Worked like magic. Thank you so much.

      ------Original Message------

      Hi Ashis,
      If you have the name of each image file that is on AWS in a field in QuickBase table, for example [qbimage], then you can create a formula field in quickbase as such:
      If(Length([qbimage])>0,"<img style='max-height:100%; max-width:100%;width:100px' src='[URL to AWS]" & ([qbimage]) & "'/>","")

      If you don't have the name of each image in you quickbase database you might have to resort to a way to add the image names into your table. Make sure the image file names have a pattern or have a name like dbid_rid pattern where [dbid] is the table id and rid is the record that the image belongs to.

      Souheil Karam