Forum Discussion

EvanMartinez's avatar
Qrew Elite
5 years ago

Tips on Posting a Question

Our Discussions threads are a great place to collaborate with other problem-solvers on your questions. Below are some suggestions to help you get your Question noticed. Also find out about techniques to make sure your fellow problem-solvers have all the information they need to turn your current challenge into your next accomplishment. 

Show and Tell

When possible include a screenshot or video of the issue you are running into if relevant. For example, when you are building a form and looking for a specific set up it can be great to include a screenshot indicating what part of the Form you are working in, what is missing, and if possible what you are hoping to add. The only thing you want to be sure of when posting a screenshot is that it doesn't include any sensitive data you wouldn't want to share to the public. You can choose to pull in images right from your device or a number of other services and you can pick a default size and then drag right in the editor to get the sizing just right. 

Where Does it Hurt?

When asking about Error Messages you are receiving include the subject of the error message and the specifics of the warning you are seeing. The error messages usually include helpful hints about what is going wrong or a clue to your issue even when they are hard to read. You can also find more about our Error Codes here and in our Help

Frame Your Formulas

It can be very handy to place a formula inside a code sample as it highlights the formula as distinct from your question and helps to identify the formula you are working with. This helps to draw the eye for those helping you to the formula and make sure it doesn't run together with the rest of your question. 

If([Question Answered]="No", "Ask Question", "Offer Help")​

You can insert a code sample using the button shown below in the editor (I default to HTML unless I'm using a specific language)

Tag Your Question
Tagging your questions helps your questions get attention in search and in the discussions by grouping it under common themes or calling out the specific features you need help with. You can add one of our Formal tags like Relationships or Formulas and Functions right in your question or your reply by adding the # and either picking from the User Created or Product-Formal list. You can also start typing and it will search for matching tags. Formal tags are a great tool to categorize your questions. 
For example, if your question is on a formula to help you identify a record that is overdue the Formulas and Functions Tag will help other users interested in formulas find your question. This can help you get the attention of a formula guru in the Community. It also helps us to categorize questions and the resulting solutions so that others can benefit from your questions. 

Thank you for joining the Quick Base Community and asking your questions and offering your expertise. At Quick Base we learn best as a Community.

Evan Martinez
Community Manager
​ ​

8 Replies

  • I've tried many times today to upload an image. I tried copying and pasting, and inserting the image after making it various sizes, naming it, not naming it, etc. No luck.​

    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Qrew Elite
      Hi Audrey, 

      The best way to insert an image into a post is to use the image icon that appears in the text editor. It is the one that depicts a mountain inside of a frame and from there it will ask you to upload an image that you would pick from your own computer by clicking the pinkish Upload Image button and selecting the right image. Then once you have you can insert it right into your reply. Then from there you can drag to resize. You would want to make sure you are clicking Upload Photo and then selecting a photo from your computer in the steps. I hope that helps. 

      Evan Martinez
      • AudreyBenenati's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        ​Hi, To clarify, I do understand the process. It was described earlier in the thread and is very straightforward. It doesn't work though. My computer just sits there spinning for 20 minutes until I finally cancel. I tried this several times and got the same result each time.

  • I may not be doing this correctly but I don't have the option to add tags to my discussions. Here is a pic:

    Jordan McAlister
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Qrew Elite
      Hi Jordan,

      Looks like the ability to add tags isn't showing up for standard users right now, I am going to look into what is going on and see about getting it back on track. Thanks for pointing it out.

      In the interim while I'm looking into that you can also add tags to your conversations by using the #   symbol followed by the Tag you want to add. For example:


      Evan Martinez
      Community Marketing Manager
      Quick Base