Forum Discussion

RobertAsbury's avatar
Qrew Member
7 years ago

Top 3 of the top 3?

I am trying to create a report that will show me the top 3 categaries (based on submission numbers) and what the top 3 sub catagories are in each catagory in that top 3. I need it to be based on the last 7 days of reports submitted. I am completely not equiped to figure this out. Thanks!

1 Reply

  • There is a hard method and a KISS method which may be good enough.

    I have seen posting on how to do this, but its a lot of steps.

    Make a summary report to get your ranking of the top 3 categories.  Note that you can get the report to sort by highest first. it does not have to be an alpha sort.

    Then make a new summary report called "Drill Down Target from Category Summary report" with no filters.  Sort that by ranking on the count.

    Then go back to the first report and set this new report as your drill down target.

    So then you will need to drill into each of the top three categories to see their respective top 3 sub categories.