Forum Discussion
in the email just use the syntax
[] to refer to the previous value at the split second before the save. Quickbase will remember that value just long enough to send off the email.
You can also use field references to capture the original value from a field (before it was changed) and display it in an email.
To do so, type old. in front of the field name, as in [old.status] or [old.description] for example. For example, say you've inserted the following custom text in your notification:
The city changed from [] to [city].
If a user were to change the value in the city field from Boston to Paris, this line would display in an email as:
The city changed from Boston to Paris.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
I have a follow up question. Sometimes, I will batch edit several jobs at once, and when I do that it sends a summary email. Is there a way to make it send individual emails for each job that changed? Or would I have to update each job individually for that?
Allison Watson
- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
:( I think if you want that functionality of all the [ field] new you have to change the records one by one.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
If you're doing batch edits what you could do instead is have a Pipeline that picks up record changes and when they do - edit a date/time field on each record one by one so that you can send individual email notifications. So instead of having the email notification be triggered under certain conditions - you would have that condition be the pipeline filter and then for each record - change a date/time for 'send email' or something and then fire your email when that date/time changes.
This makes sure that the email is being fired for each record individually.
Chayce Duncan