Forum Discussion

AnneMartin's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Type mismatch

This is to calculate a bonus for our technicians based on how many hours they bill. Some technicians get an additional bonus for hours worked on refrigeration equipment and some don't. 
I'm getting a type mismatch from my IF statement, so I added a tonumber but am still getting the same error. Any ideas?
I've tested the parts of my formula separately and they work as far as I can tell, it's just the IF statement that's giving me grief.

SumValues(GetRecords($myquery,[_DBID_QSALESHISTORY]),23)+[Hours Adjustment]+
If([Refrigeration Rate]="",
(tonumber(SumValues(GetRecords($aquery,[_DBID_QSALESHISTORY]),23)+[Refrigeration Hours Adjustment])))

Anne Martin

2 Replies

  • can you post your whole formula?

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • AnneMartin's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Do I need to change the variable to a number?

      //Labor Codes FID 14 = technician, FID 17 = hours per tech
      //Query FID 42= technician, FID 12 = quantity, FID 16 = Month, FID 9 = item
      //_DBID_QSALESHISTORY, FID 22 = technician, FID 20 = GL date, FID 23 = actual quantity, FID 16 = category, FID 15 = description FID 25 = labor category

      var text myquery= "{20.GTE.'"&[First of Month]&"'} AND {20.LTE.'"&[Last of Month]&"'} AND {22.CT.'"&[User to text]&"'} AND {25.EX.'Regular'}";
      var text aquery= "{20.GTE.'"&[First of Month]&"'} AND {20.LTE.'"&[Last of Month]&"'} AND {22.CT.'"&[User to text]&"'} AND {25.EX.'Refrigeration'}";

      SumValues(GetRecords($myquery,[_DBID_QSALESHISTORY]),23)+[Hours Adjustment]+
      //If(([Refrigeration Rate])<1,
      (SumValues(GetRecords($aquery,[_DBID_QSALESHISTORY]),23)+[Refrigeration Hours Adjustment])

      Anne Martin