Forum Discussion

M_A_Admin's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

URL edit record through email

I have created a URL edit button that goes out with the email that allow our registered user to action task by clicking the button

if they already logged on, the API call will work fine. However, if they are not, they will receive an error message which request them to sign in. instead of having the error message, is there a way for them to simply put in their log in details so that the call can continue

any help is appreciated. Thanks

Leon Wong

2 Replies

  • The email isn't going to know if they are logged in or not, so I don't really know how you could accomplish this.

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
  • You might be able to hack something together that has the same effect using a code page.  If you pass whatever parameters you're using in the API call to the code page instead, you can read those parameters when the page loads and then construct and redirect to your API call.  Since your code page is not the API endpoint, Quick Base will redirect unauthenticated users to the login page first.  

    For example, your new link might look like<dbid>?a=dbpage&pageID=<pageid>&param1=X&param2=Y which your code page will then redirect to what you're currently using like<dbid>?act=API_EditRecord&_fid_6=X&_fid_7=Y.  

    One strategy for extracting query parameters in JavaScript:

    Nathan Hawe