Forum Discussion

GeorgeBramhall2's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

URL Formula Add Button Not bringing bringing over info from Parent

Can anyone tell me why this URL add button formula is not bringing over the Record ID to reference field in the new child record AND it's not bringing other desired info: (I have triple checked the fid's.)

URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_PROPERTIES] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_755=" & URLEncode ([FMLS#])&"_fid_28="&URLEncode([Full Street Address])& "_fid_30="&URLEncode([City])& "_fid_31="&URLEncode([State])& "_fid_32="&URLEncode([Zip Code])& "_fid_71="&URLEncode(
    )& "_fid_34="&URLEncode([County])& "_fid_35="&URLEncode([Lot])& "_fid_237="&URLEncode("Manual MLS Research")& "_fid_798="&URLEncode([Status])& "_fid_51="&URLEncode([Year Built])&"_fid_47="&URLEncode([Square Footage])&"_fid_105="&URLEncode([Unit Number])&"_fid_40="&URLEncode([Parcel Number])&"_fid_52="&URLEncode([Total Bedrooms])& "_fid_39="&URLEncode([Subdivision/Complex])&"_fid_36="&URLEncode([Block])&"_fid_24="&URLEncode(
      )&"_fid_53="&URLEncode([Total Bathrooms])& "_fid_342="&URLEncode(
        )& "z=" & Rurl()

        George Bramhall

3 Replies

  • all of these


    need to read "&_fid_30"

    There needs to be an additional & inside the quotes.

    Look at a regular native auto created add child button and you will see what I mean.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • GeorgeBramhall2's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Thanks Mark. That worked. When do I NOT use the URLEncode for the Parent field? Some of these fields are not coming over. If I eliminate URLEncode for some fields how does that change the formula format?

      George Bramhall
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        It never hurts to wrap everything with URLEncode.  But ugggg, its gets so junky looking.  The purpose of URLEncode is to reformat a phrase which might have special characters in it - basically anything other than A-Z and 0-9.

         You will notice when you do all your online shopping at the Internet that websites URL never have spaces in them for example.  And if you were populating a field with a phrase that simply had a client name in it which was a two word phrase you would need to URLEncode it.

        If you were populating a field with a date that is fine or a number will be fine or if you happen to be populating a multiple-choice field to a value that doesn't have any spaces in it like  "YES", those do not to be cluttered up with the URLEncode.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)