Forum Discussion
12 years agoQrew Captain
Xavier Fan posted that info and while I have not tested it yet myself, it should work.
Try this and do my testing for me. make a formula variable to define $URL and then the code should work. Let us know how it goes.
var URL =
URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid () & "?act=API_EditRecord&rid=" & [Record ID#]
& "&_fid_12="&URLEncode("Closed");
"javascript:" &
"$.get('" &
$URL &
"',function(){" &
"location.reload(true);" &
& "void(0);
Try this and do my testing for me. make a formula variable to define $URL and then the code should work. Let us know how it goes.
var URL =
URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid () & "?act=API_EditRecord&rid=" & [Record ID#]
& "&_fid_12="&URLEncode("Closed");
"javascript:" &
"$.get('" &
$URL &
"',function(){" &
"location.reload(true);" &
& "void(0);