If I want the Formula - URL to create a record in another table in another app, fill a few fields and return you to where you started. Are the attempts below even a good place to start? I've tried GenAddRecordForm and AddRecord with no success. Please help
var text URL=URLRoot() & "db/nn77nnnnn?a=API_AddRecord&_fid_36=" & URLEncode([Record ID#])
& "&_fid_6="&Now()
& "&_fid_7="&Now()
& "&_fid_15=11"
& "&_fid_72="& [Project - Customer]
& "&_fid_53=51";
//fails to add record
var text URLOne=
URLRoot() & "db/nn77nnnnn?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_36=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])
& "&_fid_6="&Now()
& "&_fid_7="&Now()
& "&_fid_15=11"
& "&_fid_72=" & [Project - Customer]
& "&_fid_53=51"
& "&dfid=10
&z="& Rurl();
var text URLTwo=
URLRoot() &"db/"&Dbid()&"?a=dr&dfid=2&rid="&[RecordID#];$URLOne&"&rdr="&URLEncode($URLTwo)
John Ogle