Forum Discussion

KirtanPatel's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

User Already Exist (API_ProvisionUser)

Hey Guys,

I'm trying to create a user profile for My realm through API_ProvisionUser. I'm using Javascript/Jquery in pages section to achieve this API call.

I can create everyone's profile except the one who already has a QuickBase profile with a different realm. If I add the existing user with QuickBase UI, It is working fine but it is giving the following error when trying to add the same existing user with API...

I tried giving my Admin credentials and the user token but none of these things are working for me.

Thanks in advance.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<errtext>A user already exists.</errtext>
<errdetail>User already exists</errdetail>

4 Replies

  • In situations where the user exists - you'll have to swap out ProvisionUser for API_AddUserToRole instead. Provision user can't add someone when they already have a User ID - so you just need to add them to your specific app - AddUserToRole is the go to

    Chayce Duncan | Director of Strategic Solutions
    (720) 739-1406 |
    Quandary Knowledge Base
    • KirtanPatel's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Okay. That makes sense.
      The same thing is happening when we add a new user to our app via QuickBase UI?
    • ChayceDuncan2's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      I would imagine so. The UI has access to more Quick Base data than just whats in your app - so it knows the difference between adding a user for the first time and just adding them to your app.

      If you're using JS / jQuery you can set up a condition to watch for that particular status code. If you receive it - you go to the next place and chain the following calls together => 

      API_GetUserInfo (this will return the User ID so you can add them to your app)
      API_AddUserToRole (this adds them to your app)

      Chayce Duncan | Director of Strategic Solutions
      (720) 739-1406 |
      Quandary Knowledge Base
    • KirtanPatel's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Appreciate your help Chayce. you are a lifesaver.