Forum Discussion

JenniferBeam's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

User is getting "view only" message when working on portfolio from home

Hi All, I am very new to QB and a user as posed a question.  She says when she tries to edit her portfolio when working on it at home it only lets her "view only".  How can I correct this for her or is it possibly a security measure set up by the employer?

Thank you!

Jenn Beam
  • It seems completely unlikely that where the user signs in from afrects their permissions.

     I suggest that you have the user confirm that they are actually signed in to the app. They should look at the top right corner to see if they are signed in.

    it is possible that they are using an app which is open to everyone on the Internet in View mode,  mode, but in order to edit they need to sign in.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)