Forum Discussion

DavidBrogdon's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Username already exists

I have a user in my company trying to add their first+last name combo as their username and QB is saying User Name already exists. I know it doesn't exist within my company yet, but is QB looking at all users or just within my company?


3 Replies

  • Hi David,

    For Usernames they are across all users in Quick Base since they are part of the login process as they serve as a stand in for email address when signing in and a User could be invited to multiple accounts with the same email address. In our current system that could cause issues with overlapping Usernames. I hope this information is helpful.
  • SuryaExpert's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    All users like Evan said. Which is why I always append an abbreviated form of my realm in my username.