Forum Discussion

KelseyHuse's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Users Adding Additional Fields

Is there a way for users (who do not have Admin or Manager capabilities) to add fields to forms without changing the forms overall structure? I have created a budget estimate table that allows our project managers to input their project information but every project is different and I'd like for them to be able to add fields where needed. Additionally, I'd like for them to be able to add Tab's without changing the overall structure. 

As of now our fields need a qty field, description, amount, markup and total - so if they were to add another field I would like for all of those fields to be added in as well. I've attached a few screenshots to show our layout as it is now. 

Thank you! 

Kelsey Huse

2 Replies

  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    Have you explored having a separate table for those tabs that you sometimes need extra details for? You would have a report link field there that showed all related things plus a button for "Add Expense" or whatever it will be named. A user could then add related records there for each expense associated with the order and the report link would show all related expenses. You would probably then need to make a summary field to total these for you.

    Then all a user would need is the ability to add and they could add new expense records in any amount for that order. You could then do this for any tab that needs the same with different tables. For the one picture with Description, Rental, etc text boxes this should work great.
  • In a word, no.

    It would be chaos for your app if you gave your users permission to modify the forms. A better approach is to interview the user to their needs and categorize the projects into certain types. And then based on a selection in a multiple-choice test failed to show or hide certain tabs or sections or fields that they need for those types of Projects.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach