Forum Discussion

AlexAlex's avatar
Qrew Member
10 years ago

Using Not IsNull

I am currently using the formula in my quickbase app. It shows this in a numeric version

If(not IsNull([Rate Override]), [Rate Override],[Rate Snapchat])

In my question, I was wondering if there is a way to do this with text where it would useStatus 1 (Multiple Choice)Status 2 (Other a Text line)Status (Will choose from one or the other depending on the blank field)
I was also wondering if I could get a list of things in other that people write so I can determine if it is valuable enough to add int other regular multiple choice options

4 Replies

  • I suggest that you have the multiple choices listed and have the last choice be "Other". Then a form rule to show a text entry field for the Other description which is shown and required if the multiple choice other is chosen.

    The final result would be

    if([my multiple choice field]="Other",[text description field for other], [My multiple choice field])
  • I have another question, how would the Not IsNull formula work with a text field instead of a numeric.

    Same Situation as If(not IsNull([Rate Override]), [Rate Override],[Rate Snapchat])
    but in this case its company full name and company common name.
  • you may n ot use IsNull(  )  on a text field, so i usually use
    if(trim([my text field])<>"" ... etc

    if you know for sure that there is no way for the text field to have some invisible spaces in it, then you don't need to Trim it - the only way to know that for sure is if its a multiple choice text field.