Forum Discussion

WadeMyers1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
16 days ago

Using variables with class='SaveBeforeNavigating

Maybe this is not possible, but I'd like to insert variables in the class definition so that the stat of the record referenced changes the color and text of button in the report. The button [Edit DS...
  • WadeMyers1's avatar
    16 days ago

    I found that it was a combination of things. Your suggestion definitely made the difference for validating the color would appear based on the value, but to know it was changing I had to enter the hex code for each color in the two fields. It appears that for some reason the IF statements were not working in either the [text color] or [background color] fields, but I ended up trying an IF directly in the class statement and it worked: 

    "<a class='SaveBeforeNavigating' data-replaceRid=true style=\"text-decoration:none; background-color: #" & 
    If([Active Form] = 4, "1b8b0a", "0863f5") & "; border-radius: 5px; color: #" & 
    If([Active Form] = 4, "0a0a0a", "ffffff") & "; display: inline-block; padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px; width:138px; text-align: center; text-shadow: none; border: 2px solid #1b8b0a; font-size: 12px;\" href='" & 
    $URL & "'>" & 
    If([Active Form] = 4, "Review DSR", "Edit DSR") & "</a>"