Forum Discussion
3 years agoQrew Elite
I have the Quick Fill formula working now on the form. There is a key piece that cannot be seen in your video. The form rule that writes the formula to the text field has to have the check box cleared in the Options section.
That is blocked by the circle where the camera capture is displaying.
I also took the formula and exploded it into components so I could figure out what was happening in it. Here is a link to my longer version with comments:
Now I have to replicate the Pipeline action to create the records in the M2M.
Don Larson
I have the Quick Fill formula working now on the form. There is a key piece that cannot be seen in your video. The form rule that writes the formula to the text field has to have the check box cleared in the Options section.
That is blocked by the circle where the camera capture is displaying.
I also took the formula and exploded it into components so I could figure out what was happening in it. Here is a link to my longer version with comments:
Now I have to replicate the Pipeline action to create the records in the M2M.
Don Larson
3 years agoQrew Captain
HI Don,
Thank you for your feedback. I will definitely make a v2 .
Absolutely love your detailed GitHub comments , it makes it so much easier to explain what I was mumbling about. I'm still hoping this form rule is as useful in problem solving for you.
For pipeline you can either use extract regex or version below by @Doug Henning in my earlier post . Modify below to set your fields setup.
Prashant Maheshwari
Thank you for your feedback. I will definitely make a v2 .
Absolutely love your detailed GitHub comments , it makes it so much easier to explain what I was mumbling about. I'm still hoping this form rule is as useful in problem solving for you.
For pipeline you can either use extract regex or version below by @Doug Henning in my earlier post . Modify below to set your fields setup.
{%- set plist = a.quick_capture.split(';') -%}
"to": "br8hpcpk7",
"data": [
{%- for x in plist if x|trim != '' %}
"18": { "value": "{{a.related_director}}" },
"89": { "value": "{{}}" },
"6": { "value": "{{loop.index}} {{ x|trim }}" }
}{{ ',' if not loop.last }}
{%- endfor %}
Prashant Maheshwari
- DonLarson3 years agoQrew ElitePrashant,
I am close on the Pipeline but do not really understand it. I have figured out where my issue is.
I created a text field of the Reference Fields in my Quick Fill
[3;5;6;4;7] these are the RIDs of my Items selected.
The split is producing a JSON list
{ 1 3
2 5
3 6
4 4
5 7}
when the loop tries to write that to the Related Item it is incompatible. I found that out by writing to a text field instead of the Related Item field.
I assume that {{x|trim}} is meant to remove the index value but it is coming through.
Don Larson
------------------------------- PrashantMaheshw3 years agoQrew CaptainHI Don,
Thanks for taking time to post !
Trim in earlier example was supposed to
1. In Loop condition help with finding and skipping blank rows as users were simply typing whatever they wished
2. Trim any extra spaces
My two immediate question would be
1. Have you changed the delimiter from \n to ;
2. Is there any extra space when feeding any record id# to new table. "{{x}}" is different from "{{x}} "
In this example since items are selected from dropdown , that wouldn't be the case , we can still use it in our loop for failsafe
{%- set plist = a.multi_ingredients.split(';') -%} { "to": "bsvit786z", "data": [ {%- for x in plist if x|trim != '' %} { "9": { "value": "{{}}" }, "14": { "value": "{{x}}" } }{{ ',' if not loop.last }} {%- endfor %} ] }
BUT below will also work
{%- set plist = a.multi_ingredients.split(';') -%} { "to": "bsvit786z", "data": [ {%- for x in plist %} { "9": { "value": "{{}}" }, "14": { "value": "{{x}}" } }{{ ',' if not loop.last }} {%- endfor %} ] }
You can post your code you are running and we can troubleshoot
Prashant Maheshwari
------------------------------ - DougHenning13 years agoCommunity ManagerHey Don,
In the example code it includes the index in the output:
"6": { "value": "{{loop.index}} {{ x|trim }}" }
Just delete {{loop.index}} from the beginning of the string so it's only referencing x:"6": { "value": "{{x|trim}}" }
Doug Henning
------------------------------- DonLarson3 years agoQrew EliteDoug,
Success! Many thanks. It works.
I comprehend 40% of the syntax at best. :(
For everyone else this is the Body of the Post in the Pipeline
{%- set plist = a.quick_fill_reference_fields.split(';') -%}{"to": "bsvvexhkj","data": [{%- for x in plist if x|trim != '' %}{"6": { "value": "{{}}" },"8": { "value": "{{ x|trim }}" }}{{ ',' if not loop.last }}{%- endfor %}]}
Here is the architecture of the sample
Now you can exploit Many to Many Relationships without having to hit the "Add Child" button.
Waiting for Prashant's video #2 on Jinja in the Pipeline.
Don Larson