Forum Discussion

RyanMurray's avatar
Quickbase Staff
5 years ago

We want your feedback!

Hey QB Builders,

Just your friendly neighborhood product owner here. As many of you know, we are beginning to modernize the Quick Base user interface. Some of you may already be using the new table report experience! Your feedback will prove to be invaluable as we continue to enhance other areas of the product. Today, we're looking for your input on some potential future enhancements to Quick Base's dashboarding capabilities. We know that dashboards are an integral part of your apps that allow you and your end users to consume and take action on data -- we're looking forward to making this experience even better.

Please consider taking a few minutes to complete this survey by clicking the link below. We take user feedback very seriously at Quick Base and read every piece of feedback you provide.

Take the survey

Happy building,


Ryan Murray

3 Replies

  • It would really awesome if there was a way we could add additional icons for tables.  We are in a tech industry and need additional icons for what we are doing. There may be some way to do this that I don't know about (I'm still fairly new) so if there is please let me know.

    Delynn Montrose
    • RyanMurray's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      Hey Delynn!

      Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately there's no way to do that today in Quick Base, but it is something we've heard from customers in the past. The best way to give feedback on new / potential features are through research opportunities like the one above, or our feedback platform Uservoice -- I'd recommend adding your votes to this particular issue.

      Thanks again for the feedback!


      Ryan Murray
  • Hi Ryan,

    It would be nice if the survey asked what we would like the dashboards to do, which I bet would get a lot of great suggestions. Ability to up-vote suggestions would also be nice, as I bet that many people have the same issues or wishes. I tried to log in to the Uservoice platform you linked in your reply to Delynn, but my usual QuickBase login was not accepted, I don't know why.

    Here are some of the limitations I run into currently with QuickBase dashboards, that I would love to see resolved in future releases:
    • Limited ability to control report/chart size, spacing and layout
    • Inability to adjust button sizes or appearance, and inability to have multiple button colors in a single button bar (e.g. to differentiate report buttons from new record buttons)
    • Selecting "do not show title" still leaves a big blank space where the title would otherwise go
    • Only one dashboard for entire app, inability to make multiple dashboards or individual dashboards for separate tables (may be fixed with EDs?)
    • There are bugs in the dashboard related to Formula - Rich Text fields (color selections not preserved)
    • Can't control/filter displays based on conditionals such as day of the week
    • Dashboards do not print well and seem to have limited ability to control print options (may be fixed with EDs?)
    • Graphical limitations including small number of datapoints, no color spectrum/gradient options, no ability to assign colors to categorical or multiple choice variables across multiple/all charts
    • It sounds like EDs will add some slicer functionality, but Power BI allows multiple slicers that can control all tables and charts on a display and even sync to other displays/dashboards, which is extremely useful.
    I'm happy that QuickBase is continuously adding new features and functionality, but until I can have more control over the appearance and features of the dashboards, I will have to continue using other tools such as Power BI for the majority of my displays and reporting tools.


    Robin Gold