ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsAdd Existing Child Records from New Parent Record I have an app where people can have many related child documents. Now, the app requirements have expanded, so that documents can belong to many people. I want users to be able to select multiple existing people records when they create a new document record and uploading the file attachment, basically like a multi-select text field but for existing soon-to-be child records. I'd prefer to avoid creating a many:many assignments table for the sake of simplicity but if I have to then I have to. Any ideas? Re: Sum Overlapping Time/Remove Timeframe Gaps Well my ultimate goal is I need to categorize each person into 6 buckets: lived/worked within 2 mile radius for >= 10 years lived/worked within 2 mile radius for >= 5 years lived/worked within 3 mile radius for >= 10 years lived/worked within 3 mile radius for >= 5 years lived/worked within 4 mile radius for >= 10 years lived/worked within 4 mile radius for >= 5 years The proximity distance field is a numeric field that exists on each residence/employment record (anyone who is categorized into the 2 mile/10 year bucket will automatically fall into each subsequent bucket, etc.). My assumption was that whatever solution can work for 1 bucket can be duplicated for the others, so I would ultimately probably need 3 numeric fields (1 for each distance threshold) that specifies the amount of months each person spent at that distance, to go along with 6 formula checkboxes (1 for each category above) that look at whether each distance duration number is >= 120 (for 10 years) or >= 60 (for 5 years). Re: Sum Overlapping Time/Remove Timeframe Gaps a total for all time. I have a calc start & end formula date fields that put a cap on the timeframe if the provided date ranges exceed the relevant timeframe. There are currently 100 claimants, 210 residence records, and 40 employment records, knowing that will increase in the future, but it shouldn't get into the 1000's. Re: Sum Overlapping Time/Remove Timeframe Gaps There's ~150 people, so relatively few Sum Overlapping Time/Remove Timeframe Gaps Hi all, is there a way to do this formula queries? I have a table of people who have child residence & employment records, with start & end dates for each, as well as a numeric field that summarizes each timeframe in months. I need to query for all child residence & employment records related to each person, find any potential overlapping timeframes between the 2 tables based on start & end dates, and sum the total # of months from the Duration (months) field from applicable records. Essentially I need a final number in months of time each person provided to us across 2 tables, so any overlapping time would basically get deduped out. I also need it to be smart enough to recognize some of these timeframes are not contiguous and contain gaps, so we might not have any date for particular person from 2010-2015, but we do from 2005-10 and 15-18, so any gaps would need to be excluded from the final count. Re: Funnel Report that isn't mutually exclusive Thanks Mark, the summary report idea works well enough for what I need. It's a shame there's no way to do this natively in a funnel though, it almost seems like that's sort of the entire point of a funnel report in the first place. Funnel Report that isn't mutually exclusive I feel like there must be a way to do this that I just can't think of. I have a funnel report that's based on a formula field with an if statement, which itself is based on evaluating whether a variety of different formula checkboxes are checked or not. I have 6 different categories that people could fall into. Each category gets more specific/narrow, but overall they're evaluating basically the same thing (proximity to a particular address). So I want a way to not deduplicate across categories. For instance, Person A meets criteria 1 (lives within 1 mile), 2 (lives within 2 miles, etc.), 3, 4, 5, 6, they currently show up in that slice of the funnel based on which clause of the if statement evaluates to true. But because of how if statements work, this person won't show up in the slice of the funnel for people who meet criteria 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on, which sort of defeats the purpose of a funnel report, as I want to see how the number of people in each category dwindles as it gets more specific. If someone lives within 1 mile of this address, they will automatically also live within 2 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles, etc. So if I have 100 people that meet criteria 1-6, perhaps a subset of that 100 (80 people) would meet criteria 1-5 only, but I still want the people who meet all of 1-6 to also show up in the 1-5 slice. I almost need an if statement that continues to evaluate the rest of the conditions even after it meets one that's true. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. If its not possible to display in a funnel report, is there a way I could get this to work in some other way, whether that's a chart of table report? Auto Close Pop-Up Upon Record Save Hi, I have some buttons using similar code as below, where I have formula URL/formula rich text buttons with the "OpenAsPop-Up" parameters, as well as the auto refresh "data-refresh=true" parameter, which refreshes the parent record once the user closes the pop-up window. How can I modify the below to auto-close the pop-up window when the child record being added from it is saved? This is essentially just saving 1 click of the user having to manually close the pop-up window on their own. Code snippet from formula URL: "<a class='Vibrant Success OpenAsPopup' data-height=600 data-width=850 data-refresh=true href='" & URLRoot() & "db/bsud3tnnt?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_1027=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])& "&z=" & Rurl() & "'>Add Timecard</a>" code snippet from formula rich text: "<a class='OpenAsPopup' style='text-decoration:none;' data-height=600 data-width=850 data-refresh=true href='" & URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_CLAIM_INFORMATION] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_24=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])& "&z=" & Rurl() & "'><div style='background-color:#00a97a; align-item:center; padding:5px 10px 5px 10px; color:white; border-radius:5px; width:200px;'>Add Claim Information</div></a>" Pipeline Creation Tracking I have an app with ~100 active pipelines performing all sorts of different actions, but there are some performing similar actions that sometime run in parallel and occasionally run into each other, causing debugging issues trying to figure out which pipeline most recently performed an action on a record & why. Is there a way to create a pipeline that could create a record in a Pipeline Tracking table anytime a new pipeline is created or modified, and what update was made, or is pipeline auditing something that would have to be done manually by our team anytime they made a new one? Just trying to think of ways we can better organize how these are being used so we can see potential issues ahead of time. Tagging pipelines only goes so far. ------------------------------ Harrison Smith ------------------------------ Re: Import Pipeline Workflow Thanks Chayce. Your understanding of the issue is correct. Interesting idea to split this out into 2 steps instead of trying to handle it all at once during the import. I think I'll try that & see how it goes ------------------------------ Harrison Smith ------------------------------