Autofilling fields when adding a Child Record after generating a Temporary Report
Hi, I'm back at this Quickbase still in the hopes of convincing my organization we should go with this. Now I have a minor annoyance that seems like it should really be fixable but I'm not sure. I really want my users to view the Location table and from the appropriate record, click View Clients, then search for a Client, and if not present, add that Client (duplicates may cause many problems!). When the user clicks "View Clients..." this produces a temporary report, where the "Related Location is #" On that page, if the client doesn't exist, the user will click the "+New Client" This is where the minor annoyance comes in. In the new record form for adding the client, the user now has to specify the parent record from Location even though they just left a page where the location was specified. Is there a way to automatically fill that field based on the fact the user just left a page where the related parent record was already specified? Also, for many users, there is only going to be one choice for Location anyway, which makes it also a minor annoyance to not have the field automatically populate with the only choice available. Any methods to reduce this annoyance? Thanks Dave ------------------------------ David Halter ------------------------------29Views0likes1CommentCan I search for a new record from a form
I have a list of customers, with many associated pieces of information. I would like to search for the customer and view the associated information. All of this information is on one table called "customer" but eventually, I'd like to connect to other tables. When I'm done viewing this information, I'd like to search for another customer from the same form I'm viewing the information on. Current set up: I added a search to the Home page. When I search, it returns a form I've built on the table "customer" but in order to search for a new customer, I've got to return to the home page. Any navigation away from the form shows me the table view of all customers and not the form. Apologies for being very new to QB, and asking what are probably dumb questions. I've taken most of the QuickBase university courses and tried YouTube. I'm not technical but I'm determined to learn this. Please feel free to point me in the direction of resources rather than offering a solution. Your answers to other questions have already been very helpful. ------------------------------ AP ------------------------------26Views0likes1CommentSearch specifications
I have a table with people's names in it. One (maybe more down the road) person has punctuation in their name (French: L'Name). When I search their name QB returns nothing. When I put any punctuation into the search bar nothing shows up... Is there some trick I can use to work around this? Hoping there's some search functionality that I can use to search names like this. Thanks! ------------------------------ Edwin Reik ------------------------------27Views0likes1CommentIs there a way to search multiple records and open multiple records with one button/click?
Hi there, I am wondering is there a way to search multiple records and open multiple records windows with one button/click? Thank you. I am asking this because a colleague needs to update some fields of multiple records, could be dozens or hundreds. Those records could be randomly picked, hard to cover all of them by creating a report by single or multiple field properties. 1. He wants a search box can paste all the record names one time and get a list of these records. 2. Even there was a report for him and he knew how to use Grid Edit, he still wants to open all records windows at one click. Is it something possible? without advanced API and developer function. Ning ------------------------------ Ning W ------------------------------150Views0likes12CommentsFiltered tables and search
Hi Quickbase community: I posted many times recently because I was on a trial period for my organization. We may eventually go with quickbase, but for the moment are on pause with that process. One of the test users I had review the initial application asked a question which I was unable to answer before the end of the test period. The following is my best to describe the situation. 2 questions actually come out of this description. I have 3 tables: Locations, Customers, and Users. Each location has many customers, and each location has many users. -- [(Yes, each customer could have multiple locations and each user could have multiple locations, but it doesn't actually make sense to give the customers multiple locations in my situation and adding that bit of complexity about the users doesn't help me ask the question here and won't affect the answer, I don't think)]. I set up a field in USERS where IsCurrentUser = 1 for currentUser and 0 for non-current user. Using summary, formula, and lookup fields this value is passed to the Customers table such that when the customer's location is the same as the current user's location, then a field, say IsAtCurrentUsersLocation = 1 in the Customer table. Every customer with a different location will get a 0 in that field. Thus, each user can have a default view of Customers where IsAtCurrentUsersLocation = 1, meaning they see only customers at their own site. So, 2 questions arise: 1) when I'm the only user, or there were only a couple of test users, this arrangement works fine. What happens if 2 users from 2 different locations are simultaneously accessing the database? In theory, User A and B at two locations will each tag a location with a 1 and therefore customers at locations A and B will both show up for user A, even though location B would be wrong. Is this indeed a possibility? Or is this really not ever going to show up? 2) Then the question that arose from my test user: he saw a problem when he was viewing the default filtered table which showed only Customers at his current location. He noticed that when using the search function on that page, it was showing him results from all locations, not just the filtered location, let's say it was Michigan. Thus, if we had John Smith in Maryland, John Smith in Michigan, John Smith in Massachusetts, and John Smith, Jr, in Maine, he was going to see all those search results instead of just the John Smith from Michigan. As you can imagine, this would lead to incorrect choices, but he was also concerned about performance. Any suggestions or thoughts? Thanks, Dave ------------------------------ Dave Halter ------------------------------22Views0likes5Comments