Granting one user multiple roles
I recently assigned a user (not an admin) to multiple roles in the same app. That user has a management role as well as a test - front office role. I want the user to be able to view patients based on one form I created for the management role, but I also want this user to view a beta version of a new form I created under their test - front office role within the same table. My question is, how does this user toggle back and forth from multiple roles? Are they asked to select a role when they log in or do I need to go through an additional step(s) in order for this to work? ------------------------------ AR ------------------------------98Views0likes5CommentsPreventing access for a brief period
Hello, I was looking for a solution for locking Users out for a brief period and giving their access back later in a less tedious manner. Currently, to prevent access, we'll change the User roles to NONE. This is fairly easy but it's a bit time consuming switching them to none and switching them back when needed. Are there different options available to make this easier that i'm just not seeing? Looking for a way to do this in bulk and across multiple apps!49Views0likes4CommentsUser invite email - Is there a way to set a default message/subject line instead of typing it in each time I create a new user?
Is there a way to change the QB default message and subject line for the User invite email instead of typing it in each time I create a new user? There are 2 of us now setting up users and I want to be sure the message is consistent, plus it's time consuming to keep typing it over and over again. Any amount of time saved is a win for our small team. Thank you! ------------------------------ Vernia Bronaugh ------------------------------43Views1like2CommentsAdd to Users table with an Automation?
Hello all! I have done some training in QB but am just getting started in an actual app and have a noob question: Is it possible to add someone to the Users table as an Automation action? (aka Share the app with new user and assign them a particular role) I'm looking to automate a fairly straightforward process of receiving a new user request, adding new users to the app, assigning them the proper role, and then adding them to another table and filling in some information from the request form. The part I'm not seeing an easy way to do (yet?) is the adding new user to app & assigning role part. Any help on this topic would be appreciated! Thanks :) ------------------------------ Hannah Jacobson ------------------------------27Views0likes6CommentsFiltered tables and search
Hi Quickbase community: I posted many times recently because I was on a trial period for my organization. We may eventually go with quickbase, but for the moment are on pause with that process. One of the test users I had review the initial application asked a question which I was unable to answer before the end of the test period. The following is my best to describe the situation. 2 questions actually come out of this description. I have 3 tables: Locations, Customers, and Users. Each location has many customers, and each location has many users. -- [(Yes, each customer could have multiple locations and each user could have multiple locations, but it doesn't actually make sense to give the customers multiple locations in my situation and adding that bit of complexity about the users doesn't help me ask the question here and won't affect the answer, I don't think)]. I set up a field in USERS where IsCurrentUser = 1 for currentUser and 0 for non-current user. Using summary, formula, and lookup fields this value is passed to the Customers table such that when the customer's location is the same as the current user's location, then a field, say IsAtCurrentUsersLocation = 1 in the Customer table. Every customer with a different location will get a 0 in that field. Thus, each user can have a default view of Customers where IsAtCurrentUsersLocation = 1, meaning they see only customers at their own site. So, 2 questions arise: 1) when I'm the only user, or there were only a couple of test users, this arrangement works fine. What happens if 2 users from 2 different locations are simultaneously accessing the database? In theory, User A and B at two locations will each tag a location with a 1 and therefore customers at locations A and B will both show up for user A, even though location B would be wrong. Is this indeed a possibility? Or is this really not ever going to show up? 2) Then the question that arose from my test user: he saw a problem when he was viewing the default filtered table which showed only Customers at his current location. He noticed that when using the search function on that page, it was showing him results from all locations, not just the filtered location, let's say it was Michigan. Thus, if we had John Smith in Maryland, John Smith in Michigan, John Smith in Massachusetts, and John Smith, Jr, in Maine, he was going to see all those search results instead of just the John Smith from Michigan. As you can imagine, this would lead to incorrect choices, but he was also concerned about performance. Any suggestions or thoughts? Thanks, Dave ------------------------------ Dave Halter ------------------------------22Views0likes5CommentsReport of Users Application Sign in or use
Is there a way in Quick Base to generate a report of users and their last access date to an app? This report would need to generate from within the app itself and possible as a subscription. ------------------------------ Joshua Case ------------------------------17Views0likes3CommentsUsers Last Visited Date On My Employee (resource) Table?
Hey Community, Do you have a way of using a formula field so I can reference the user Table and pull in the "Last Visited" value into my employee table within my app? I have a user Ref. field on my table and I use it to assigned Project, Tasks, Approvals, Etc. to my users. I see that we have a last visited value on the user table on the backend of the system Anyway to reference that last visited value inside of my app? Thank you! ------------------------------ Jack Woods | Low Code 4 Lyfe ------------------------------17Views0likes0CommentsIs User Logged In via Field
Hello, From Table A, I want to detect if user is logged in. From the relationships, I want to pass that down to Table B. Passing a field down to B isn't difficult. However, the only half decent answer I've come across is using a Formula Numeric field : if(User() = [<user field>], 1, 0). This would only show for the current session of that particular user and not necessarily from a manager's viewpoint. How may I show that the user is logged-in in a field? Thank you all in advance! B ------------------------------ Blake Taylor ------------------------------13Views0likes1Comment