Upload Multiple File Attachments to QuickBase
You can create a button that allows you to add and link multiple file attachments at once to QuickBase. By getting a copy of the "Magic Buttons" app from the QuickBase Exchange you can copy the button and the html code page and make it your own for your QuickBase application. We cover topics, questions and answers like this in our daily M-F "Office Hours" webinars held at 1pm Eastern time. All are welcome. http://quickbase.com/webinars/ ------------------------------ Kirk Trachy , Senior Solutions Consultant QuickBase | 603-674-5454 M | ktrachy@quickbase.com ------------------------------199Views5likes25CommentsHow to download File attachments using API ?
I am trying to download the files from my Quickbase table using the download file API (https://developer.quickbase.com/operation/downloadFile), but I only get the data in base64 format. How do I download the file itself ? ------------------------------ Hemanth ------------------------------100Views0likes3CommentsPipelines Sharepoint
I have been playing around with pipelines and now the sharepoint pipeline has been released. Does anyone know how to create a pipeline to take a file attachment from QuickBase to a folder in SharePoint? I can't seem to get it to work and this would really help our procurement process if it was possible. ------------------------------ Amber Polston ------------------------------99Views0likes5CommentsI would like to list the attachments in a single field, to be referenced using a relationship in another form?
I have attachments within Table A, called Publication Tracker, and I would like to quickly access these attachments via single field, both for a report and so I can ideally pull this info into another Table B, called Project Tracker. I have used the List formula field which would be perfect except it just lists the attachments from the selected fields as text, rather than links to the documents. Is this possible to do, and how?99Views1like12CommentsUpload base64 PDF File Attachment using API
I am having issue with uploading a PDF file attachment using quickbase API. I have already converted the PDF File to base 64. After the record gets updated in quickbase, I get an error whenever i try to download the file. Sample API Call Headers: Content-Type: application/xml QUICKBASE-ACTION: API_EditRecord Body: <qdbapi> <apptoken>app_token</apptoken> <ticket>ticket</ticket> <rid>30</rid> <field fid="80" filename="test.pdf"> BASE 64 ENCODED STRING OF THE PDF FILE </field> </qdbapi> What is wrong with base64 for PDF file attachments in quickbase using the API or are there specific files that quickbase can be able to decode correctly. Or if there is another alternative approach. Thanks FYI, I am currently using a Restlet Client - REST API Testing to do the testing to ensure the api works well, before diving in to code in any language99Views1like8CommentsUse API to delete entire file attachment history
This question is a follow-up to: https://community.quickbase.com/quickbase/topics/delete-file-attachment-with-api-editrecord. It concerns the use of API_EditRecord to delete attached files from records. Inspired by the final answer to the aforementioned question, I have been sending out requests with these parameters: <rid>[rid]</rid> <field fid="18" filename="delete"></field> <field fid="24" filename="delete"></field> This works perfectly well, except for not actually deleting any files. What I get are empty fields whose revision histories now have "(deleted by user)" at the top, with all previous revisions still available and taking up space. Is there really no way of actually deleting file attachments through the API? While I would prefer a nuke-all option of removing the entire history at once, I'm also open to doing it revision by revision. I looked at the API reference and couldn't find anything, so I'm nervous that this is just not possible, but I thought I'd ask just to be safe.98Views2likes7CommentsHow to upload and download image/files with quickbase
Am trying to upload/Download an Image or a file using Quickbase Json Restful API. what is the best way to do that. Below is two options i have tried 1.) I upload the file to external server while saving the file name to quick base. The field type for this text field. 2.) I converted the image file to base64 encode via php and then created a field type File Attachment. The issue here is that base64 encoded files cannot be saved to quickbase via Restful API Json Call with field type set to File Attachment. here is how I did it with php <?php $file = 'photo.png'; $encode_File = base64_encode(file_get_contents($file)); ?> What is the best way to upload/download files via QB Json Restful API ------------------------------ Fredrick Esedo ------------------------------98Views0likes1Comment