Printing a new style timeline report
Hi all! We have a timeline report designed using the new style with color customization and all. We think the new timeline report style is a big improvement on the old one. We'd like to print the whole report to PDF so we can share it with a client, but when we use the Quickbase print dialog the report that appears is the old style with none of the color customization we use. We also tried making the report full screen and printing the page with the browser dialog but it only prints what is visible on the page as its scrolled, not the contents of the viewport containing the whole report. How do I print the entire timeline report as it appears to me on the webpage? Thanks! Chris attached: what I see on the webpage vs what I see when I use the print dialog ------------------------------ Christopher Knieste ------------------------------10Views1like0CommentsFont size
When I print a form from QuickBase the font size is tiny to the point where it is almost unreadable. How can I make the font size larger when printing? I have already changed my profile to the relaxed mode it did not work. ------------------------------ Denise Keck ------------------------------18Views1like0CommentsWhat to do when your QuickBase form doesn't print report links
If you want to print a form and there are a number of embedded reports that are not printing. This may be because your form's properties have declared that the embedded reports only load when they are scrolled down to view them. This is a performance benefit that allows the page to load quickly and only load the embedded reports when you want to actually scroll down to view them. This makes forms load faster. Well, you can turn this off on the form's properties and you can print the whole form with all of the embedded report links but you then don't have the benefit of scroll and load reports. If you desire, there is another way by adding a button that prompts printing but through a different form that DOES have scroll and load report loading turned off. We cover things like this in our "Office Hours" webinars. All are welcome. ------------------------------ Kirk Trachy ------------------------------29Views1like0Comments