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AMA on App Planning with Orientation Success Manager Lee Gilmore on September 26th from 2-3 PM EST

EvanMartinez's avatar
Quickbase Staff
6 years ago
For our September AMA (Ask Me Anything) we are going to be focusing on the ever popular subject of App Planning with the help of Lee Gilmore, one of our Orientation Success Managers, and the Orientation team. Whether planning a brand new app or getting ready for changes to one of your existing apps a clear plan can be a fundamental steps to turning an app into a huge success. Meticulous planning is one of the hidden secrets of the most successful apps in Quick Base and we are here to make sure it is no longer a secret. Whether you are brand new to app building or a veteran of creating apps this AMA is a great place to bring your questions and get the insight of an Orientation expert. 

On Thursday, September 26th 2019, we are hosting a live AMA (Ask Me Anything) featuring Lee. Lee will be here from 2-3 PM EST to tackle your questions about App Planning, whether it is planning a whole new application or making a plan to change the one you are using today as smoothly as possible. Are you curious to know how you can map out your process? Do you want to know more about how you can plan for the needs of all the different types of users who are going to be in your application? Have you heard about collecting requirements for an app before and wondering what that means? Maybe you just want to know a bit more about Lee and what exactly an Orientation Success Manager is? 

You can start right now by submitting your questions here on this Community thread between now and the event on the 26th of September. Then Lee and the orientation team will be right here in this community thread to tackle them all on Thursday at 2-3 PM EST along with any questions they get live.

Evan Martinez
Community Marketing Manager
Quick Base
Published 6 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hey Lee, big fan.

    I know that in a previous life you had experience building out a suite of applications. Do you have any tips, tricks, or lessons learned for process mapping and big picture thinking when it comes to the development of an app suite?

    I'm thinking about things like connections (relationships, automations, etc.) as well as ease of use for the end user (transitioning between apps).


    Jacob Linn
  • Lee,

    Long time listener, first time caller.

    What was the last great idea you had that is now realised in QB?

    And are there any features that you are looking forward to seeing before the end of the year?

    Thanks for making yourself available for questions!

    Natasha Fisher
    • LeeGilmore's avatar
      Quickbase Alumni
      I'll first age myself by saying I remember a time when dynamic filters only existed on the table home page. Now they exist on all reports! That was ages ago. I remember a time before automations, before Kanban and calendar reports as well as no mobile interface. Truly, Quick Base has added a tremendous amount of features and tools that force myself to rethink solutions. The last great idea I had was leveraging bar codes with a mobile device. That's now becoming a standard feature! I'm also going to combine that feature with the upcoming Geolocation to create a Geocaching app for my 3 year old. Just about any feature on the Mobile roadmap is exciting me right now. Then again, I haven't even begun to imagine what the new CloudPipes acquisition will bring us! So many things to look forward to!

      Lee Gilmore
  • Hi Evan,

    Great , just what im looking for.  Is there a way we can sign up for this AMA?



    Nisha Patel
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      Hi Nisha,

      You can actually ask any questions you have right here in the Community thread and then next Thursday Lee will be right here answering your questions in the Community. That way you can put questions up now or when he is here live and then see what he has to say.

      Evan Martinez
      Community Marketing Manager
      Quick Base
  • Are there any plans to officially support Continuous Integration for custom code pages via API_AddReplaceDBPage? An official, well documented and exampled CLI tool offered by QuickBase would be a huge advantage for properly planning and deploying more custom solutions that leverage QuickBase & the QuickBase API.

    Nick Wade
    • hhersch's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      Hi Nick. This is an area of the product I would probably jointly own with @Chris Hutchens. Our core audience and focus of Quick Base is democratize software development and make sure that we have a world class experience for users that may not be software engineers. That being said, we offer code pages and are enhancing our APIs to make sure we are also providing a set of tools for folks like yourselves. We absolutely will enhance code pages but I'm not sure we will be getting to a true CI/CD model (this doesn't mean we won't). Some QSPs have created tools to assist with this type of process actually leveraging our existing API. Our focus right now is revamping core experiences but I will take your feedback into account as we bring code pages into the new APIs.

      Harrison Hersch
  • What app planning tools do you use or recommend for beginners and intermediate builders to start with?

    Jenni Murray
    Detroit MI
  • What's the #1 mistake that app builders make when planning their app?

    Kelly Hayes
    • LeeGilmore's avatar
      Quickbase Alumni

      I have two different answers for this. Very commonly, people set out for a new solution as their current one is failing in some way. However, immediately they begin to try to recreate the exact same system they're looking to replace rather than imagine their new, ideal solution. That's definitely human nature as we gravitate towards what we already know and what's familiar.

      The second mistake that happens commonly is not identifying and agreeing on all app scope requirements. When identifying the scope to build a solution, often management and the business owners only ask for A, B and C. It's helpful to have all stakeholders sign off on what is being asked before building. That will help when stakeholders come back and ask for D, E, F and G. This always happens.

      Lee Gilmore
  • What are the things people most often forget to take into account when planning an app? Also how do you plan an app so it can grow and evolve over time?

    Kelly Stine
    • LeeGilmore's avatar
      Quickbase Alumni

      Similar to the prior question, identifying the stakeholders and potential, future stakeholders is key. You may be building a solution for just one department but there will come a time when another department will want/need information that you have in your app. Those stakeholders might also be duplicating efforts in their own processes. I find it very helpful to identify the common lists of information that people track and then try to build an ecosystem where those lists are consolidated. One source for a list of active employees and office contact numbers rather than each department maintaining their own list, for example. That way when a phone number changes, it's updated in one spot and everyone now has access to current information.

      I also think it's very important to identify potential "super users" that can be trained to understand the back end of the app for contingency or delegation purposes. If an app is owned and managed by just one individual, there is a risk when that person leaves for vacation or takes a different job. In order for an app to grow and evolve over time, it's particularly useful to have people collaborate on enhancements and creating a Center of Excellence to govern over your app(s).

      Lee Gilmore
  • What are the best tools you use to map not only the Table structure but the field requirements and process flow? Have you found a tool that can accomplish all in one for a single tool for mapping? 

    Also i would find it valuable if quickbase or QSPs were to publish some of the mappings for applications on the exchange to help learn best practices how to do this type of documentation. 

    Thanks Derek

    Derek Hutchinson
    Business Process Manager
    PSG Dover
    Grand Rapids, MI
    • LeeGilmore's avatar
      Quickbase Alumni
      I often see people using Gliffy to map out their table structures and required fields. Microsoft Visio is often used for process swim lanes to document the flow of work and which groups interact with that work. These are often two very different visuals which is why it's done separately. I have not come across just one documenting tool that does everything perfectly for database and process mapping.

      Your suggestion to have the apps on the exchange documented to help learn best practices is a fantastic solution and one I will be forwarding along. I've included a couple of lessons from Quick Base University that discuss Documentation and Best Practices as these are currently available.

      Lesson on Documentation:
      Lesson on Best Practices:

      Lee Gilmore
  • Can you tell if there are any enhancements in the works for Summary Reports? I currently do a lot of reporting in QB and it's discouraging when there is no ability to calculate percentages of totals or calculate the percentage of growth between one period to another.

    Christine Christine
    • hhersch's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      Hi Christine! Great question. Will you be at our Chicago Summit by chance? @Erich Wehrmann and I are hosting an advanced session, part of which includes techniques for sophisticated reporting, somewhat related to what you are looking for.

      As far as enhancing the core offering, absolutely! Coming in short order is that our new suite of APIs will allow you to fetch data from a summary report - a major improvement in extensibility. We are also in the process of creating a delightful new table component which will eventually be extended to summary reports. Ultimately, we know the importance of the calculations needed in summary reports and have it on the radar - but not yet a firm timeline or scope.

      Harrison Hersch
  • What % of apps do you think are built with a traditional waterfall SDLC vs an agile one?

    Debra Cote
    • LeeGilmore's avatar
      Quickbase Alumni
      I'm not sure to the actual numbers but my personal, anecdotal observations it's mostly Agile. Quick Base lends itself well to the build rapidly, deploy and modify on the go. All my years as a customer and builder we lacked time and resources to devote to the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) approach. I did not come from a traditional software/programming background and I wasn't aware of SDLC when I started out with Quick Base. The same can be said when people are building a solution in Excel, they're typically not applying the SDLC approach.

      That being said, it doesn't always have to be that way! Implementing a Center of Excellence and establishing a system for documenting and planning apps can be extremely useful.

      Lee Gilmore