Forum Discussion

Re: Zapier vs Workato

I have not actually worked with either of these, but I have seen some demos.  I hope others chime in as well.

My impression is that Workato is infinitely flexible, absolutely robust, industrial strength, bullet proof and well supported with a responsive help desk. The pricing is here

Zapier is lower cost and not as full featured.  So it will depend on how complex your workflow is.

For example with Workato you could save a record in QuickBase  (Project Completed)  and an email Notification from QuickBase to Workato would fire off a Survey Monkey Questionnaire to the customer.  Then a week later the survey comes back with a poor rating.  Workato, which was patiently waiting, would detect that and trigger a "Slack message"  to the sales manager to follow up with the unhappy customer and the message would include the customer contact info, their sales, and the survey monkey complaint and rating.

1 Reply

  • JacobJacob's avatar
    Qrew Cadet
    Completely agree with this.  After trying out each service this is the conclusion that I came to I am just wondering if Workato is worth the extra cost because our workflows can be complex.  Thanks for the response.