Forum Discussion

Re: Getting JavaScript to run properly with IOL

Hey Dan,

Thanks for your time as always.

This project has two tables. One table has a list of all records that have a van ID, start mileage, and ending mileage.

I currently have a script that automatically sets the start mileage to the ending mileage of the same van from when it was previously used, every time a record is created.

However, there will be a time where several vans are scheduled in advance, where the ending mileage may not be known, and that starting mileage may not exist because it's previous ending mileage is not known.

Because the workers sometimes update the record through grid edit, we had no way of knowing what was edited and the script can't run. So we created a table, [Modified Records], that has a trigger which adds records to it when a record is edited.

The problem is the script doesn't run when an edited record is automatically added to [Modified Records], which is why I don't know how to proceed.

Thanks for your time
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