Forum Discussion

ValVal's avatar
Qrew Trainee
8 years ago

Re: Form url in notification email

I really appreciate the help! A couple things I need to admit:

1. I'd like to write a URL to include in a notification that gets the user to the correct form -- I've done this in the past (when I used QB at a previous employer) but I don't recall how to write the URL. I found a bunch of existing questions in this knowlege base, but sad to say that part of my problem is that I don't understand what to do with & and () and " " in the example formulas...insert something, use exactly as stated, etc.

2. Is there an online user guide for Quickbase? I was a super user of sorts but it's been 5 years since that time and I am terribly rusty. I keep wishing for a reference guide that I could use to look up this stuff myself rather than ask questions in the forum : )

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