Forum Discussion

Re: What is the Save and Scooby Doo Technique?

I just made an update to the Save and Scooby Doo code to deal with a situation that may have effected behavior on Internet Explorer and FireFox. Apparently Chrome operates differently than Internet Explorer and FireFox when an <iframe> is placed in the DOM without any content.

does not fire a load event until content is added while Internet Explorer and FireFox appear to fire a load event even if the <iframe> has no content. I suspect the intermittent operation on Internet Explorer and FireFox is due to a timing issue where the initial load event may sometimes occur before the event listener is created.

To patch up path up the code and make it work in all browsers consistently I have added an if statement to the code which tests if the href of the iframe is set to "about:blank":

.on("load", function() {
 if (this.contentDocument.location.href != "about:blank") {
  // rest of code
 } }) UPDATED: Pastie Database UPDATED: Save and Scooby Doo
FWIW, I work mostly in Chrome today and occasionally don't even test my code in Internet Explorer. However, almost all of my code is tested in Chrome before I post a demo or answer. If you encounter a problem there may be some isolated cases where I overlooked something but there is almost always a fix. This particular problem was intermittent in Internet Explorer and FireFox so apparently when I looked at it previously I never discover it myself.

1 Reply

  • MiguelSoto's avatar
    Qrew Trainee
    do you know why the message its showing before the save it show just on load the form

    Miguel Soto