Forum Discussion

Re: Getting a table to connect between multiple forms



[Record ID#] on the Opportunity with the [Related Opportunity] of the Product. I'm wondering if it's something with my Add Product URL because when I went to create another new opportunity there was no product in the products field but when I went to add a product, it added the product from my last opportunity along with the product I had just added.


Now I've tried replication the problem with 3 or 4 new opportunities and it seems to be working fine so maybe something just wasn't updating properly on my end? Sorry to waste your time.






2 Replies

  • PeterGacek's avatar
    Qrew Cadet
    I'm still struggling a bit with this form as well although it mostly working how it's supposed to.

    For some reason on occasion the report will show or add more than one product on a quote request and I'm not certain why. And if I visit an older opportunity in the system  the report table will show tons of products.

    Another observation I had in all of this, if I create a new quote request and try to add a product unrelated to an opportunity, the product does not show because I know the table is showing products related to the opportunity.

    If I were to make another version of this application, would there be a report I could create that would just show the product associated with that quote? Or is that possible now?

    Peter Gacek
    • PeterGacek's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      I'm realizing that  "My new quote request" issue is likely related to another issue I had (thanks Mark) in that when I'm creating a new quote it doesn't have a record ID to pull the report form. And if I want the opportunity to share the same product table with my layout request and quote request form, then the product needs to be associated with an opportunity/record id accordingly.

      So I think I've figured this out for now but somebody feel free to correct me for future discussion lookers.

      Peter Gacek