Forum Discussion

NingLi's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

How to set a text field that doesn't allow starting/ending with a extra space?

Hi there, 

How can I set a text field that doesn't allow starting/ending with a extra space?  

When copy and paste, or even manually type in, this text field may contain extra space in the starting and the ending. I found these extra spaces can cause unexpected trouble. How can I to keep the filed type as Text and doesn't allow start/ending extra space? 

Thank you. 


Ning W
  • UrsulaLlaveria's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    To my knowledge, there is no way to do this naturally. You can have a formula field that trims all extra leading/ending spaces from the textbox, and use that field instead. 
    Trim([Original Text field])
    A link to this function's features:

    • NingLi's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hi Ursula, 

      Thank you very much! 

      I will talk with other users about changing existing records (will change the last modify date) and see how would they like this. 

      Many thanks, 


      Ning W