Forum Discussion

NewtonAswin's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Learning quikbase -topic relationship

Hi I'm learning quickbase through the quickbase university. i build a one to many relationship between 2 tables- customer and contacts. I have added the lookup field as customer name(reference proxy), customer address and main phone.  But while adding a contact in contacts table, the customer name is not showing properly. Please tell if i missed something or is it quickbook's error.

Newton Aswin
  • np,
    Go tothe Advanced Properties of the Customer Table and adjust the Record Picker Fields.  

    They are called record picker fields because they help users pick  which record they want from a drop-down list. So get rid of record ID and make the customer name first and that may be the only field you want to offer your users to help them pick records but maybe there is a secondary field like city or something like that that you want to offer as well.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach