Text-multiple choice field limits?
- How many choices can you have in a Text-multiple choice field, is there a limit?
- I see there is a limit to Multi-select Text fields when looking at the Help section. It notes these have a maximum of 100 choices but does not specify if this limit also exists for a text-multiple choice field type.
- If there isn't a limit, then I believe I'm on the right track and would use this field type.
The breakdown in question:
I have a table of Addresses. Subdivisions (possible field type) can have many addresses attributed to them. However, some addresses are not apart of a subdivision at all and thus would be labeled as a choice "N/A" if I were to make a massive list in a text-multiple choice field type for Subdivisions.
There are many Subdivisions in our service area, so again this list would be quite long, and I'm ok with that. I don't need any additional information on each subdivision besides its name, so I don't need a whole separate table. I don't want to have a long list, and then a year later, we run into a limit on said list, and I'm forced to rethink this part of our app. That would suck.
Am I off with my thinking here? Go easy; I'm new.
Zac Campbell
Houston TX
Geaux Tigers!