Forum Discussion

GeorgeBramhall2's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Abort save of a grid edit report if there is an "error" in a field in one or more of the records?

I have created a formula text field in a table that defines an error for data entered within a record. Can I abort the save of a grid edit report if this error appears in one or more of the grid edit report records?

George Bramhall
  • Hi George,

    One way to stop a save on grid edit if there are certain conditions not met is to make use of Custom Data Rules. The custom data rules allow you to set up formula logic as rules to prevent saves under certain conditions that apply across form entry, grid edit, API, etc. This way if there are things you need to validate in your data before it can be saved you can prevent a save.

    Evan Martinez
    • GeorgeBramhall1's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Great! Thank you Evan.

      George Bramhall