Add New Choice not an option in a Text - Multiple Choice field
I apologize if this comes up as 2nd post. I received an error after I submitted my first.
In my newly created App I have multiple tables. And in those multiple tables I have used the text field Text - Multiple Choice. The settings values for those fields are...
Text - Multiple Choice field options
Input Type: From list (FYI. I have a list of items listed not in alphabetical order)
Allow users to create new choices is selected.
Display choices in alphabetical order is selected.
When I go to the table where that field is located and add a new record, that field dropdown does not give me the option <Add new Choice...>. It only lists the items in my list non-alphabetically.
I'm seeing this happen in every table where I have a Text - Multiple Choice field and I can't seem to find a setting at the app level to control this.
Am I missing a step?
Stu Lamden