Forum Discussion

ArchiveUser's avatar
Qrew Captain
7 years ago

Add Rejected to formula

I have this formula to determine if the operator has replied.

var Text QTA = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 1, ";"); 
var Text QTB = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 2, ";");
var Text QTC = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 3, ";");
var Text QTD = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 4, ";");
var Text QTE = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 5, ";");
var Text QTF = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 6, ";");
var Text QTG = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 7, ";");
var Text QTH = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 8, ";");
var Text QTI = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 9, ";");
var Text QTJ = Part(UserListToNames([Quality Team]), 10, ";");

If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTA & "] Approved"), $QTA) &
If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTB & "] Approved"), $QTB) &
If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTC & "] Approved"), $QTC) &
If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTD & "] Approved"), $QTD) &
If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTE & "] Approved"), $QTE) &
If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTF & "] Approved"), $QTF) &
If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTG & "] Approved"), $QTG) &
If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTH & "] Approved"), $QTH) &
If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTI & "] Approved"), $QTI) &
If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTJ & "] Approved"), $QTJ) &

I need to have if the user has listed has chosen Approved or Rejected.

I also need to have either a /n or comma between each user. 

4 Replies

  • Is the [Quality Approval] field a text mult-line field with logging enabled? It also looks like you want to find out if it is approved or rejected along with who said that, correct?
    • ArchiveUser's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      The Quality Approval is a Text - Multiple Choice with two options Approved or Rejected.  

    • SuryaAvantsa1's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I would use the Last Modified By field to determine who and the value in the value in the [Quality Approval] field to whether it says "Approved" or "Rejected"

      I don't see the need for the other statements here, unless I am missing something.

      Hope that helps.
  • No, I guess I didn't explain it right.  formula is correct, but I need it to have rejected in addition to.  I tried:
    If (not Contains([Quality Approval], $QTA & "] "Approved", "Rejected"), $QTA) & 

    and every possible revision of this.  Not sure what I am missing.  

    I also need it to have an enter or a separator between each.