Forum Discussion

HeatherBryant2's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
4 years ago

Address field with Pipelines QB channel?

Hello... I am trying to enter Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip from one app's address field to another app's address field and get the error below. The pipeline is set up correctly and runs fine when I don't include the address fields. I am using the individual sub fields.

This is what I get...has anyone else? 
"Validation error: Incorrect template "{{a.address_city}}: expected token 'end of print statement'. got 'Address_city"
I don't see that error in the Troubleshooting section of Pipelines Help.


Heather Bryant

15 Replies

  • Hi @Heather Bryant!

    I'm not sure if this was your issue, but I posted this in the QB Slack a few weeks ago:

    FYI I just resolved a Pipeline error that showed up when populating an Address field with another Address field (both from Quick Base) when the field name has a space, such as, "Contact Address". The syntax shows up as {{c.Contact Address_street_1}}. The fix is to add an underscore between "Contact" and "Address" directly in the Pipeline (no need to rename the actual field).​

    Sharon Faust (
    Founder, Quick Base Junkie
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Qrew Champion
      Thank you Sharon and Evan.
      Wow.  That bug really should be fixed.  I will put in a ticket.

      I was trying to create a QuickBooks Customer when a Quickbase Customer was created.

      I encountered a similar error as Heather.

      Validation error: Incorrect template "{{a.Billing address_city}}: expected token 'end of print statement'. got 'Address_city"

      The solution was to hand edit the code to insert an underscore in place of the space. "{{a.Billing_address_city}}

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach
    • MikeTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Commander
      I ran into this same issue, and adding the underscore allowed the Pipeline to run, however, the address does not actually copy. I get this error:

      "Skipped because set values are the same as in source object."

      Which is bizarre because My Address Field 1 is filled in, and Address 2 is blank. I tried in another case where I was copying multiple fields, including an address field. It copied ALL fields EXCEPT simply skipped the address field. No explanation or error, just didn't copy it.

      Has anyone else had trouble using pipelines to populate one address field to another?

      Mike Tamoush
      • Quick_BaseJunki's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        @Mike Tamoush

        If you are trying to update Address 1 (filled in) with Address 2 (blank), you have to use some Jinja because the null value in Address 2 is being ignored.

        So, rather than enter something link {{a.address_2}} in the spot for Address 1, you would enter:

        {{CLEAR if a.address_2 is none else a.address_2}}

        It's a ridiculous workaround in my opinion, but it does the job.

        This isn't specific to address fields either, this would be true anytime you have the possibility of overwriting a value with another value that could be null.


        Quick Base Junkie
  • Hi Heather, 

    I just touched base with the dev team on Pipelines on your issue to see if they had any ideas and it looks like this is related to an issue they have found with the address fields. It has to do with some of the field mapping causing an error, it is one they have a bug for and are looking into. If you wanted to be tied to this issue if you create a Care case they can tie it to the bug and you will get updated as they look into it. 

    The dev I spoke to wasn't sure if it would work in all instances but he suggested trying to rename your address field so that it has no spaces in the name if your address field currently has spaces. That has helped in some instances but not universally. Certainly let me know if you have any further issues creating a case or with your Pipelines. I hope the information is helpful.

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base
  • AngelRodriguez's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    This is not mentioned in Pipelines docs, but you'd want to use bracket notation with fields that have a space in them, particularly, an address field.  For example:

    If you're using a dot (.) to reference a field value in an expression like 

    {{a.Patient Address_city}}

    You should update that by removing the dot and referencing the field in brackets and single quotes, like so:

    {{a['Patient Address_city']}}
