Forum Discussion

ChrisSwirtz2's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Alternative to form rules when making changes via Grid Edit

So I think it is pretty well known by now that form rules don't fire when making changes to records in grid edit form. My question is what is the alternative to automating changes? I guess the obvious answer is Automations, but is that the only/best option to this problem?

Essentially I have a checkbox that I want to be marked checked based on selections made in another field, but that field will primarily be updated via a report in grid edit form.

Chris Swirtz

7 Replies

  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    Another recent option that came up is Pipelines as well. You can do a lot more with a Pipeline than you can with an Automation.

    I have been playing with them myself for the same reasons. I have a lot of rules that happen on the form but I would rather have them just happen no matter how the user interacts with the record.

    In your case it sounds like you might be able to get away with a formula checkbox though? What are the exact requirements you have? You mentioned that it needed to be checked when certain criteria was met based on selections in other fields, that sounds totally doable with a formula. If you post back I can help you with that.
    • ChrisSwirtz2's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Hi Austin,

      I have not hear of the Pipelines, I will have to look into those. As for what i am trying to do, there are 3 choices in a dropdown field of like 10 total choices that if any of the 3 were selected I would like the check box to go from unchecked to checked. So with a formula I could do something like:  If([Epic Compatible}="No", Yes) or something to that effect?

      Chris Swirtz
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Qrew Champion
        Can you tell us are the three valid choices where you want the checkbox to be checked and what is the name of the field that has the drop down?

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach