Forum Discussion

MichaelTamoush's avatar
Qrew Captain
3 years ago

APIEdit Record then mailto: ??

Has anyone ever tried to use an API_Edit Record and then the mail to:?

Perhaps it's not possible, but my tries have either yielded it 'working' but after the Edit Record it just sitting on a blank web page and not redirecting, or it completing the Edit and Redirect, but not the mailto. My attempts below

var text Email = ""
& "?subject=" & URLEncode($Subject)
& "&body=" & $Body;

var text EditDate = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord" &
"&rid=" & [Record ID#] &
"&apptoken=abcdefghijklmnopqrstyvwxyz" &
"&_fid_66=" & Today();

var text Redirect = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=doredirect&z=" & Rurl();

Code below correctly edits date and correctly returns, but does NOT create the email.

"<a href="
& $EditDate
& "&rdr=" & URLEncode($Redirect)
& URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode($Email))
& ">" & "Create Email" & "</a>"

Code below correctly Edits and the date, AND creates email, but does not redirect. Just sits on a blank white web page.

"<a href="
& $EditDate
& "&rdr=" & URLEncode($Email)
& URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode($Redirect))
& ">" & "Create Email" & "</a>"

Mike Tamoush
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