Forum Discussion

GeneZarnick's avatar
Qrew Member
6 years ago

Automate reports to display projects on dashboard by current user's team, not just current user's projects

I am trying to create a dashboard that has multiple graphs / reports that would automatically filter based on a current user's team. I currently have a "Delivery Team" table with a list of the team names, a "Project Manager" table with a list of managers (with a relationship where each Delivery Team can have multiple Managers) and a "Project" table where the user goes in, selects themself as the Project Manager (Related Field from the Project Managers table) and it also includes a lookup of the Delivery Team, which pulls from the Project Managers table.

 I can easily create a report or graph and filter on the Delivery Team field to show only the projects to the related team but what I would like is for as the user comes to the application the Dashboard shows a report for all initiatives for their delivery team, not just all the initiatives where they are listed as the project manager.

 I do not have any relationships from the "Projects" table to the "Delivery Team" table, so not sure if that might be an issue. Thanks in advance!

2 Replies

  • The Project manager table seems to be a list of individual users.  Set the Key field for that Table to be the Userid.

    Then on any details table you like, for example the Projects table you can create a Formula User field called [Current User] with the formula of


    Then make a relationship and lookup any information about the Current User down to the details table, such as Projects, so for example look up the Delivery Team and call it [Current Users Delivery Team]  Then use that in a report filter to match on Delivery Team.