Forum Discussion

FranciscoOjeda's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Automated Task creation with different Responsibles


I'm currently working on a project management application. The idea is that each project goes through different stages, and each stage has various tasks associated with it.

With this in mind, I need to assign different people to each task, depending on the specific task. I initially tried using task templates and pipelines, but now that the assignments vary, I'm unsure how to handle it.

For each project, there are different people responsible for different areas, such as the project manager and the permit coordinator.  They are the ones who will be assigned to the tasks based on the specific nature of each task.

I need help with this; perhaps it's easier than I think.


Francisco Ojeda
  • Do you have an 'assigned role' field in your Task table? Based on your description above - it might be best instead of thinking about assigning the person to the task, assign the task to a role on the project such as assigning it to the PM, PC etc. Those roles should be defined on your project such that you can add them as lookups into the tasks. 

    At the task level - you can then make a formula field for 'Assigned  To' that does a Case Statement of your assigned role. Something like: 

    Case([Assigned Role], 

    "Project Manager", [Project - Project Manager],

    "Permit Coordinator",[Project - Permit Coordinator]


    This Assigned Role would replace individual users in your template since the actual user would be unique and should be carried from the Project Header. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • FranciscoOjeda's avatar
      Qrew Trainee


      I think that that a case statement for the "Assigned to" field in tasks level might be the solution.

      In the project level I will have, as you said, different roles that will be assigned like the field "PM Assigned" as a user. But, I will have more than one responsible per project.

      So maybe I can assign in the tasks another field that is Type of Task, and the CASE STATEMENT do it with that field. I dont really imagine how can I do this in an automated way, with the Tasks templates and the pipeline. I will define the assigned to in the task teemplates level? or you think that it will only be a field in the Tasks table?


      Francisco Ojeda
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        I would suggest following the route that you're describing and where possible - keep the assignments at the project level for the users and then in the template have the 'Assigned Role' and then if you have any qualifiers that might differentiate 'which' PM still in the template itself. 

        At it's core - even if you tried to do this with a Pipeline, you still need all of these components in the template anyway so the Pipeline would know who to assign anyway. So one way or another if you're assigning the users at the Project Level - then the template still needs to be set up to know which people on the Project are responsible dynamically. 

        I will always advocate for using Formulas over Pipelines in this case because 1) once the Pipeline runs - its not going to run again so if you need to reset the assignments then you'd need another pipeline to update etc and then 2) a Formula just gives you more flexibility if you need to carve out exceptions or overrides as time passes. Just my two cents though. 

        Chayce Duncan