Forum Discussion

811locate's avatar
Qrew Member
28 days ago

Automatically Change Field to Expired Based On New Record

Newbie here, and I'm stuck on one portion, so Ill try to explain the best I can:

I am creating a new record from Table A.   

Table A fields:

field 126 called [Temporary Identifier]

field 35 called [Ticket Status]

field 6 called [Ticket#]

Upon saving the newly created record I would like to automatically scan Table A and mark any record that has a [Ticket#] equal to the [Temporary Identifier] on the newly created record to automatically change the [Ticket Status] to "Expired".

What I'm trying to achieve: Copy a ticket record, change information, save.  The newly created ticket record becomes the "Current" ticket and the old ticket record  becomes the "Expired".

example: I copy record for [Ticket#] A1234.  The new record opens and the [Temporary Identifier] on the new record automatically is set to copy the ticket number of the copied ticket, A1234.  I change new record [Ticket#] to B123 and save.  After saving, I would like the original record for [Ticket#] A1234 [Ticket Status] field to change to "Expired". 

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