Automatically Change Field to Expired Based On New Record
Newbie here, and I'm stuck on one portion, so Ill try to explain the best I can:
I am creating a new record from Table A.
Table A fields:
field 126 called [Temporary Identifier]
field 35 called [Ticket Status]
field 6 called [Ticket#]
Upon saving the newly created record I would like to automatically scan Table A and mark any record that has a [Ticket#] equal to the [Temporary Identifier] on the newly created record to automatically change the [Ticket Status] to "Expired".
What I'm trying to achieve: Copy a ticket record, change information, save. The newly created ticket record becomes the "Current" ticket and the old ticket record becomes the "Expired".
example: I copy record for [Ticket#] A1234. The new record opens and the [Temporary Identifier] on the new record automatically is set to copy the ticket number of the copied ticket, A1234. I change new record [Ticket#] to B123 and save. After saving, I would like the original record for [Ticket#] A1234 [Ticket Status] field to change to "Expired".