Forum Discussion
- ChayceDuncanQrew Captain
Not that I know of specifically with the 'goal line'. Gauges support a dynamic target but not bar charts unfortunately. If your intent is to show gap between the chart and the target - you might consider a stacked bar chart, where y-axis value 1 is your current value and y-axis value 2 is the 'remainder' to your summary target.
So if you were tracking spend versus budget - you would summarize total spend as your primary y-axis then have another field for 'remaining spend' as just budget - spend and have that field be the second y-axis. This way the secondary color/data point displays how much you have left to spend in this example. You could go further as well in this format and have a third y-axis if you wanted to show 'overage' against the target, so you'd have a third value that shows how much over the budget you might be in a different color to visually see it when it crosses your dynamic threshold.
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You
Qrew Legend
If you use a Line chart type instead of a bar chart then you can have multiple lines. Then you might be able to contrive to have line which is horizontal as a goal line,
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- ChayceDuncanQrew Captain
Similar to Mark's suggestion you could do a 'line and bar' chart, combine the best of both worlds where the line chart is your target, bar is the summary.
Chayce Duncan